meet Kathleen Coleman and Betsey King

Kathleen Coleman, MMT, MT-BC and Betsey King, PhD, MT-BC founded Prelude Music Therapy in 1995. Kathleen and Betsey are both board-certified music therapists with over 30 years experience in the field. They are not native Texans, but spent most of their professional lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of the Lone Star State...up until 2004, when Betsey left to pursue a doctorate in music therapy at the University of Kansas.

After many years in which she started several of the music therapy programs which still exist in north Texas, Kathleen now has a private practice working with clients who have developmental disabilities. She also teaches piano and guitar, provides consulting services for school districts, agencies, and therapists nationwide, and is involved in dachshund rescue (with four dachshunds at home!).

Betsey is associate professor of music therapy at Nazareth College in Rochester, New York, where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate students. She previously was an assistant professor and head of the Department of Music Therapy at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Prior to teaching, she spent eight years working in physical medicine rehabilitation and other medical areas, and eight years in public school music therapy and private practice with a variety of clients.

Kathleen and Betsey have both published articles in Music Therapy Perspectives, one of the two journals published by the American Music Therapy Association and have written chapters for the AMTA book Models of Music Therapy in the Public Schools. Both Kathleen and Betsey give national and international workshops and presentations.

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